Argentina - (Südamerika)

Informationen über Argentina

Buenos Aires
2780400 Quadratkilometer
nominally Roman Catholic 92% (less than 20% practicing), Protestant 2%, Jewish 2%, other 4%
Christen (%)
Protestanten (%)
Reformierte (%)

The Argentine Republic forms, together with Chile and Uruguay, the southern cone of Latin America. One third of its population lives in the capital — Buenos Aires and Greater Buenos Aires. Due to the length of the country, the climate varies from semi-tropical to polar, and due to its width the topography varies from coastalto mountainous zones in the Andes. Historically, the country was colonized by the Spaniards and gained independence in 1816. The majority religion has been Roman Catholicism. The first Protestant groups to arrive were Presb from Scotland and Angl (1825-1829); they were authorized to work in English only. The Meth church made its appearance in 1836, followed in 1881 by the Bapt. The first immigrants, who later established the Argentine Reformed Church, arrived from Holland in 1886. By now, most of the historical churches have celebrated the 100th anniversary of their presence in the country. The historical churches also include the Waldensian Church in Argentina and Uruguay (cf. Uruguay), the Evangelical Church of the River Plate in Argentina, Uruguay, and Paraguay, the Disciples of Christ, and the United Lutheran Church. In the last few years the country has seen the emergence of a great number of Pentecostal churches, some open for ecumenical contacts, others based on a strong personal and individual ministry. All religious communities have to register with the Foreign Ministry.
For many years now, most of these churches have united in cooperative efforts. More than 25 denominations, including the Salvation Army and some Pentecostal churches, are members of the Argentine Federation of Protestant Churches; nine churches share the Faculty of Theology (ISEDET) for the training of their ministers. A few years ago the Waldensian, United Lutheran, Reformed, and Evangelical Church of the River Plate agreed on the mutual recognition of membership and ministry on the basis of the Leuenberg Concord. The Reformed and Waldensian Church have gradually begun to share their work. They jointly issue the magazine Dialogo and together run a student hostel in Buenos Aires. In 1994 the Synods celebrated a joint Assembly.


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